Tarot with Magdalena Sky

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Magdalena has been reading the Tarot since 1994 and has studied under the guidance of many renowned Tarot readers and scholars throughout the years.  She finds great pleasure in sharing the gift of tarot and its insight into one’s psyche through its pictorial world with her clients and tarot students.  She believes the tarot lifts the veil between our subconscious minds and communication, unlocking a world of magical opportunities.

After completing her bachelor’s degree in Art History and Creative Writing at Seattle University next year, she plans to pursue her tarot and symbology interests in academia and art through literature, research, and teaching.
She is a proud member of the Tarot Association and believes in strengthening the integrity of Tarot and the importance of ethical Tarot reading.

The Witches Hive

The Witches Hive Magik School offers Classes in Tarot, Numerology, Astrology, Energy work, Spells and Potions and many other Magik related topics.
Lead by Magdalena and other great Witches, the School offers a gentle yet powerful way of dipping your toes into a world you’ve always been interested in joining. With experienced guidance and years of combined knowledge and practice we aim to educate, inspire and instill confidence in ’ natural abilities.

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